The Button Fern: (Almost) Everything You Need To Know


When it comes to having velvety leaves, being small, soft, and thriving in humidity, nothing does it better than the button fern. The button fern, also known as the round-leafed fern, is part of the Pteridaceae family. Its scientific name is pellaea rotundifolia. Pellaea means “dark” in Greek and the word “rotundifolia” comes from the roundness of its leaves.

The button fern prefers non-direct sunlight. Instead, it appreciates gentle dappled lighting. When placed in areas with dim or dark lighting, the growth of this plant will slow down. Soil mold will also start to appear along the surface of its pot. Long exposure to direct sunlight can cause severe dehydration and bleaching.

It is recommended to water the button fern every 1-2 weeks. It depends on the situation the plant is in. If the button fern is in bright lighting then more watering is to be expected. But, if your button fern is in darker lighting, it will most likely require less watering. It is recommended to let the soil dry halfway through watering.

Some signs of underwatering may be, crispy, dry leaves, brown patches forming, and little to no growth. Droopy leaves or dry soil are also signs of an underwatered button fern. Sadly, signs of underwatering don’t show until it’s too late. There are also many signs of overwatering. When overwatered you will notice mushy leaves, black stems, yellowed leaves, and a constant wet potting mix.

The button fern is not toxic to pets or children but it is recommended to keep it out of reach. It is also recommended to not consume the plant. When consumed in large amounts, the button fern can cause vomiting, nausea, and a loss of appetite.

Hopefully, you found the button fern interesting and may consider owning one. Just make sure you know how to take care of it. Remember, there’s a perfectly good article waiting here for you if you ever need extra support or reminders!